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Cambridge Quaternary


Staff, students and members

Staff, students and members

People doing Quaternary research around the University

We aim to list people undertaking Quaternary research around the University.

If you would like to be listed, with a link to your biography page, please contact us.

Philip Gibbard Co-ordinator of Cambridge Quaternary and Emeritus Professor, Department of Geography
Sebastian Gibson Post-doctoral researcher
Simon Crowhurst Senior Research Technician, Earth Sciences
Christine Lane Professor, Department of Geography
Christopher Jeans Associated Post-doctoral researcher
Charles Turner Palaeobotanist and geologist

Former members of the group

Former members of the group include:

Name Left Was Now
Ursula Allitt 2017 Aerobiologist
Oliver Bazely 2010 Ph.D student Post-Doctoral researcher, University of Rio de Janiero
Deepti Bisht 2011 Researcher
Julie Boreham 2018 Visiting Scholar Freelance scientist
Steve Boreham 2020 Laboratory Manager
Becky Briant 2003 Post-Doctoral Researcher Lecturer at Queen Mary College, University of London
Alex Chepstow Lusty 2000 Post-Doctoral Researcher Researcher at the University of Montpellier
Kim Cohen 2004 Post-Doctoral Researcher Post-Doctoral Researcher, University of Utrecht
Sarah Farquhar 2008 Ph.D student Accountancy
William Fletcher 2005 Ph.D student CNRS post-doctoral researcher at Université Bordeaux 1, France
Cunhai Gao 1996 Ph.D student Ontario Geological Survey
Emma Gatti 2010 Ph.D student; Post-doctoral researcher Post-Doctoral researcher
Chris Glaister 2002 Ph.D student; Post-Doctoral Research Assistant Environmental consultant
Maria Angelica Godoi 2012 Research student
William Gosling 2000 Technician Post-doctoral researcher at the Open University
Liz Hawkins 2000 Senior Research Technician Laboratory Manager at the Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge
Martin J. Head 2005 Affiliated Lecturer Professor, Brock University, St.Catherine's, Ontario, Canada
Philip Hughes 2005 Ph.D student; Associated Post-doctoral researcher Professor, University of Manchester
Jan Kalvoda 2010 Professor of Physical Geography (Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic)
Carol Law 2002 Ph.D. student
Ian Lawson 2002 Post-Doctoral Researcher Lecturer at the University of Leeds
Karolina Malinowska (Karolina Leszczyńska) 2007 Ph.D student; Post-doctoral researcher Post-Doctoral researcher, Poland
Vasiliki Margari 2005 Ph.D student; Post-Doctoral researcher Post-doctoral Research Assistant at University of Leeds/Cambridge
Della Murton, 2017 PhD student
Maria Papanikolaou 2009 Ph.D student Post-Doctoral researcher, University of Athens
Antti Pasanen 2008 Visiting Scholar Chief scientist (Geological Survey of Finland)
Sylvia Peglar Palynologist and Associate Member
Simon Price 2019 PhD student
Lisa Frost Ramsay 2007 Ph.D student Ph.D student in Human Geography
Chris Rolfe 2022 Senior Chief Research Technician (Department of Geography)
Katy Roucoux 2000 PhD student Post-doc at University of Leeds
Veli-Pekka Salonen 2012 Senior researcher, Emeritus Professor of Quaternary Geology, University of Helsinki.
Stijn De Schepper 2006 Ph.D student Post-doctoral researcher at University of Bremen, Germany
Katherine Simpson 2001 Ph.D student
Janice Stargardt 2020 Professorial Research Fellow at Sidney Sussex College Fellow of Sidney Sussex College
Chronis Tzedakis 2001 Post-Doctoral Researcher Professor at the University of Leeds
Paul van der Vegt 2008 Ph.D student Industry
Richard G. West F.R.S. 1991 Professor of Botany and Quaternary Palaeoenvironments
Ann G. Wintle Senior Researcher, Emeritus Professor of Quaternary Geochronology (University of Wales, Aberystwyth)