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The Sir Nicholas Shackleton Fellowship Fund

The Sir Nicholas Shackleton Fellowship Fund

An appeal

Nick Shackleton wanted to ensure that research in palaeoclimate changes should be continued both at Clare Hall and in the Cambridge Quaternary community.

The contributions towards this fund will enable a Visiting Fellow at Clare Hall to carry out research in palaeoclimate changes for a period of up to one year.

Many of you have been asking about how to make a donation towards the Sir Nicholas Shackleton Fellowship Fund to be held at Nick's college Clare Hall. Here is information about how to make a contribution.

1.) For anyone living in the UK, EU, Australia, New Zealand and Canada, China, Japan

Open the form, print it and return it to Clare Hall. You may return the form either by fax, email or post.

  • By fax: the fax number is: +44 (0) 1223 332 333
  • By email: the email address is Please make sure that your signature is included on the form. (scanning the document would be one way of doing this)
  • Post: This will be necessary if you are including a cheque. Please make sure that the check is payable to Clare Hall.
  • Note to Canadian donors:

Donations to Clare Hall from Canadian residents are deductible from taxable income, as described in paragraph 110(1)(a) of the Canadian Income Tax Act. Donors can send any gifts direct to the College; we will then arrange to issue an official receipt that will satisfy the requirements of the Canadian authorities.

2.) For anyone living in America

If you would like to make a contribution may do so through Cambridge in America.

If you are giving through Cambridge in America, you will need to indicate your wish to give a donation towards the Sir Nicholas Shackleton Fellowship Fund set up by Clare Hall.

I will be sending more information about other upcoming memorial events in honour of Nick.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me:

Nami Morris
Development Officer
Clare Hall, Cambridge