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Cambridge Quaternary


History of Quaternary Research in Cambridge

History of Quaternary Research in Cambridge

The University of Cambridge has fostered Quaternary Research for a century and a half. The Departments of Botany, Geology (Earth Sciences), Geography, Archaeology, Zoology and Applied Biology (Agriculture) have all, at one time or another, housed students of this critical period of time. The best known is that founded by Harry Godwin in Botany, but it is important not to underestimate the substantial contributions from related departments, which continues to this day.

These pages provide some insights into the events and key individuals who have been involved in the Cambridge Quaternary research environment.

Subdepartment of Quaternary Research, the Godwin Institute of Quaternary Research and Cambridge Quaternary

The Subdepartment of Quaternary Research was founded in 1948 to study world events throughout and since the Ice Age. Under its first Director, Sir Harry Godwin, it became nationally and internationally famous.

After many years, however, the evolving structure of the University no longer accommodated the Subdepartment easily and after a long gestation period the Godwin Institute rose, phoenix-like, from the subdepartmental ashes. In 1992 it was proposed that a Godwin Institute for Quaternary Science be created, sponsored by a set of interested departments, to sustain and broaden the support given to Quaternary Science in the University and insure a continuing high profile for it in the scientific world. Its advantage over the Subdepartment was thought to be maximum flexibility in encouraging inter-disciplinary collaboration and future development.

The birth took place in February 1995 when the Godwin Institute for Quaternary Research (GIQR for short) was established by the Heads of the five 'Sponsoring Departments' (Archaeology, Earth Sciences, Geography, Plant Sciences and Zoology). To give the Institute its detailed shape and content was then a task for all interested in interdisciplinary approaches to Quaternary research.

Extensive consultation began immediately with the many people involved with the former Subdepartment or likely to be involved with the GIQR, regarding its objectives, membership, organisation and activities. Because a do-it-yourself approach and great flexibility were needed and because the Institute was not handicapped by the usual encumbrances of space, facilities, money, equipment and staff, the situation remained in flux for some time and initiatives from members were not only welcome but essential. Together with the membership it was hoped to build an Institute that was a flexible and exciting vehicle for interdisciplinary communication and collaboration in Quaternary studies, with the distinction it deserved because of the labours of its members. Professor Sir Nick Shackleton F.R.S. was appointed GIQR Director.

After a few years this structure was found to be unwieldy, since it required administration and organisation. It was therefore across the departmental divides, so it was decided to replace the Godwin Institute of Quaternary Research (GIQR) with the title of Cambridge Quaternary (the Cambridge Institute of Quaternary Research: CQ) was inaugurated on 1 October 2005.

This new grouping incorporated a wider range of research groups both within the University and beyond. The CQ provided a co-operative umbrella organisation including over 40 people. Its constituent research groups being based in the Departments of Geography, Earth Sciences, Archaeology and Zoology, whilst links also exist with the Departments of Physics and Bioanthropology, the Scott Polar Research Institute and the British Antarctic Survey. The research environment at all levels, fostered by the staff, post-doctoral workers, and both Ph.D. and M.Phil. students pursuing interdisciplinary research in a wide range of Quaternary fields. This environment is unique in Britain, offering opportunities for research training unequalled elsewhere, in terms of the range and quality of the expertise available in a single institutional setting. This informal grouping continues to exist today.

More information

Subdepartment of Quaternary Research (SDQR: 1948-1994)

Directors of the former Subdepartment of Quaternary Research
Other SDQR topics
Former Quaternary workers in other University of Cambridge departments